
Individual and Couples

Many people come to a point in life where they feel that they do not know how to handle situations they are facing and they need to talk to someone to get some direction. Individual or couples therapy can be very helpful for this.

Tackle Difficult Problems

Therapy can be exciting and fascinating. Learn to harness your strengths, and to feel more confident about yourself and your life overall.

Mood related issues, anxiety, relationship, grief, or dealing with difficult situations from the past can often be improved by speaking with a therapist.

Deciding to pursue therapy can be a difficult decision to make if you have never seen a therapist in the past. We want you to know that we are aware that this can be difficult and will make this as easy as we can to get you the help that you need.

If you think that you have areas of your life that you would like to improve but are not having success in doing so on your own, maybe it is time to consider seeing a therapist. A phone call to our office can help answer questions about the process and start you on the road to improving you or your child’s happiness.

Common Questions About Therapy
Can therapy help me?

There are many ways that participating in therapy can help individuals, families, and couples. Our therapists can provide help and support, improve your ability to cope with problems, and increase your ability to solve problems that you face on your own. Common ways to notice improvement in your life through therapy are in personal growth, family or marriage issues, social relationships, and in handling the everyday stress that we all face.

Therapists can provide a new way of approaching difficult problems that you may not have considered. Ultimately, therapy works best when you have a good relationship with your therapist and you can be open and honest to speak about what is occurring in your life that you want or need to change.

I have never needed therapy before. Do I really need it now?

Everyone faces difficulty in their life and sometimes these problems pile up to the point that they are difficult to handle the way that you might have in the past. Therapy can provide a non-judgmental understanding of situations to allow you to see things differently than you might if you talk to family or friends. Understanding that you need help to improve your life is nothing to be embarrassed about, but rather should be celebrated that you care enough to do something about. Taking responsibility to do things differently from what you are doing now that may not be working out for you is important. Participating in therapy can be life changing to give you the tools and skills that you need to handle situations better in the future.

How do I know if I need to start therapy?

People have many different reasons for starting therapy. Some may be going through a significant change in their life (change in jobs, divorce, changing schools, etc.), or are not handling stress well. Some people require help in handling personal issues such as low self-esteem, depressed mood, anxiousness, addictions, or relationship problems. Therapy can help with providing support and learning skills to get over these difficulties. Others may just want to learn more about themselves or get support in achieving goals that they set for their life that they are not meeting on their own. If you feel that you need to make some changes in how your live your life and are ready to make those changes, it may be time to consider therapy.

Will I need medication?

Research shows that making meaningful changes to mental or emotional problems will achieve the best results with therapy. Although medication can help in some cases for the short term, it will only help you to feel better and does not actually solve the problems that you are facing. That is where psychotherapy is a value because you can learn new ways to handle situations so that you hopefully will not need to take medication on a daily basis. Therapy will help you to treat the cause of the problems you are having, not just the symptoms as medication does.

We do not have psychiatrists or doctors that can prescribe medications at our office. Sometimes a combination of medication and therapy is the best way to address your problem and our therapists are happy to consult with you and or your doctor to help create the best treatment plan for you.